Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The goodwill is spreading

January, 2010.

Everyday more and more people are lending a helping hand to J.M.N.V. This mini-school has sprouted nearby a temple in Chandigarh and has so far been a great success. The teacher in the pink jumper below personally went to the slum (which you can see in the back ground) and asked all these children to come to school with her. There are now 40+ children attending school.

Below: a local university student teaching the children English.

Below: This boy came to school without wearing any pants. It is common for the children in slum's to go without basic necessities. Fortunately we used one of our jumpers to cover him until we could arrange pants. He was extremely happy and couldn't stop smiling.

Below: J.M.N.V. members visit the school to give jumpers, books and pencils to all the new students.


  1. amazing... nice photos! ... feels good to see people trying to make a difference, wondering how i could help as well... (while having nothing to do at work - or at least not much to do)

  2. please visit

    free education ,chandigarh ,panchkula, mohali, north india

  3. I am doing a research study about Sustainable School Arhitecture in the slum areas in Developing Countries. I found these pictures and was impressed.

    I would like to ask a permit to use one of these pictures on Your blog in my thesis work as an example, with your copyright information of course. This thesis will be available for architecture students in Oulu.

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